Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

- Exit the Abandoned Mine
- Hidden, you will never see this
- Clear out all the Spiders in the Abandoned Mine
- Lead the caravan to Fort Westwatch safely
- Go through the Teleporter to reach your next destination
Name | Objective |
Sandy Hive | The buzzbing hives at Sandy Hive could be a good source of food, if you don't provoke the buzzbings. |
Nelly's Fill'em Up | There's a filling station south of town where you might find transport. If you can clear the Dreg out of there, you may be able to call in reinforcements and take the fight to them. |
Granite Lake | Granite Lake is a quiet, out of the way spot north of town. And who knows? If it rains hard enough, the lake might even have some water in it. |
Camp here. | |
Sandyhive | The buzzbing hives at Sandyhive could be a good source of food, if you don't provoke the buzzbings. |
Don't camp, keep moving. | |
Brokenhorn Valley | Brokenhorn Valley is pretty quiet and out of the way. Seems like a good place to go if you want to avoid unwanted attention. |
Sunfeather Nesting Grounds | The ravenok nesting grounds are rich in resources, with plentiful water-bearing cacti and ravenok eggs to be found. If you avoid alerting the ravenok to your presence, you could snap up a healthy portion of supplies with little trouble. |
Break camp and get back on the trail. | |
Don't break camp, stay here. | |
Blisterbone Staging Grounds | This encampment is the heart of the Blisterbone threat. Destroy it and you'll shatter their morale, possibly even stop their offensive altogether. |
Braithwait Ranch | The only certain thing about trekking across the desert is that you'll need food and water. Braithwait Ranch is just outside town, and it has both. |
Winged Fury Crest | The Pell at Winged Fury Crest usually keep to themselves, but in times like these they may be willing to help strangers. |
Area 77 | Area 77 could be a good place to take on supplies and catch your breath. The Protostar there might even provide you with transport. |
Rusty's Scrapyard | Rusty's Scrapyard might be a good place to scavenge supplies. There's an abandoned mine nearby that you could use as a shortcut through the bluff to reach the scrapyard. |
Dusthaven | If the nearby Dusthaven settlement hasn't been attacked yet, they should be warned that the Dreg are on the offensive. If it's too late, there might be survivors in need of rescue. |
Uboshwa | The peaceful Lopp village of Uboshwa lies along the coast. It seems like a good place to rest and resupply before the last leg of your journey. |
Sunstorm Village | It seems the Draken of Bonebreaker Village sent their warriors to Sunstorm to settle an old score. If you tip the balance of power between the clans, the winners might be willing to help you out in kind. |
Clan Sunstorm | Aid the Sunstorm Draken. |
Greenleaf Ridge | Greenleaf Ridge is named for the trees that grow there despite the desert heat. Their presence indicates a source of underground water that could be your salvation. And besides, with all those stemdragons, the Dreg would be crazy to follow you. |
Clunk's Scrap-O-Teria | The Freebots at the Scrap-O-Teria have held out against Dreg incursions for years now. They may be able to provide useful supplies for the last leg of your journey. |
Clan Bonebreaker | Aid the Bonebreaker Draken. |
Skywing Outpost | If the Skywing Murgh are busy fighting the Dreg, you should have little trouble moving through their outpost. If you're lucky you may even find some useful supplies there. |
Bonebreaker Village | The Draken emissary, Leraak, says the Dreg have his village under siege. They might be willing to offer you their help if you can fight off the Dreg for them, especially with one of their own vouching for you. |
Seaview Plateau | Seaview Plateau could be a good place to plan the rest of your journey, but you may have trouble with a nearby Pell encampment. Protostar will charge 10 food, 10 water and 10 kurg feed to use their transport. |
Skywing Village | The Skywing Murgh's village is likely rich in supplies and lightly defended. An attack on it could provide you with what you need to get you through your journey. |
Rumbling Fields | With the teleporter fixed, you could get as far as the old battlefield at Rumbling Fields. |
wrote just now (Drop 6 - Reloaded)
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