dismiss Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!
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"Nurse!" the war medic shouted over the smoldering, noise-wracked, muddy, and noisy battlefield on the planet where the battle was taking place. "I need a war nurse! We have injuries not quite severe enough for a war doctor. So I'm looking, as I said, for a war nurse! Please, can someone find me a - "

"A war nurse?" interrupted Royal Imperial Nurse Thylia Caduceus, RIN, as she punched an Exile mercenary in the face with a rubber-gloved hand to prevent accidental infection. "Why didn't you ask?" With that, she grabbed hold of a conveniently placed cable hanging from an even more conveniently placed rocky outcrop and swung into action by swinging over to land next to the war medic, who saluted. Nurse Caduceus saluted back. The war medic, confused, saluted again. This went on for a few moments until the war nurse lashed out with a rubber-encased backhand.

"SNAP OUT OF IT, man!" she declared lustily. "This is war! And you're a war medic. And I'm a war nurse. We belong here, saving lives!"

"And you belong with me, Action War Nurse!" called a sneering voice from through the roiling smoke on the battlefield. Without warning, a bolt of fiery orange plasma lanced from within the black cloud and caught the war medic full in the face, melted it, then went on to cook his brains into a sort of gray-blue soup before causing the war medic's skull to explode in a shower of gore and blood and gore.

"War medic!" Nurse Caduceus called, "Blast it, I didn't even know your name!"

"His name? You should be more worried about my name, Action War Nurse," came the sneering voice again, and this time it was attached to a leering face. The leering face was attached to the vile Exile mercenary who strode forward from the smoke. The Action War Nurse recognized him immediately.

"I recognize you immediately," she snarled defiantly. "Commander Heratix the Heretical, the most wanted Exile war criminal in the galaxy. Well I'm an action war nurse, Commander Heratix, and I'm here to administer your shots!"

With that, Nurse Caduceus drew her twin resonators and set them to full charge, aiming them directly at the ugly Granok's stony face.

Vigilant Incursion
Ethereal Cavity
Radiant Alpha Down
Radiant Beta Down
Radiant Gamma Down
Dawnbringer Outpost
Blighted Pass
Corrupted Installation
The Final Stand
Ghostwind Hollow
Creeping Caverns
Charlie Company Crash Site
Alpha Company Crash Site
Ethereal Hollow
Stonebreaker Post
Bravo Company Crash Site
Corrupted Installation
Blighted Pass
Spineridge Nest
Corrupted Installation Teleporter
Giant Robot
Drusera Statue
Boiling Cauldron
Vigilant Incursion
Ethereal Cavity
Radiant Alpha Down
Radiant Beta Down
Radiant Gamma Down
Dawnbringer Outpost
Blighted Pass
Corrupted Installation
The Final Stand
Ghostwind Hollow
Creeping Caverns
Charlie Company Crash Site
Alpha Company Crash Site
Ethereal Hollow
Stonebreaker Post
Bravo Company Crash Site
Corrupted Installation
Blighted Pass
Spineridge Nest
Corrupted Installation Teleporter
Giant Robot
Drusera Statue
Boiling Cauldron

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