Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

- Defeat the Malfunctioning Dynamo
- Defeat the Malfunctioning Piston
- Defeat all the creatures in the Nanite-Filled Room
- Defeat the Malfunctioning Gear
- Defeat the constructs in the Eldan Centrifuge
- Defeat the Fetid Miscreation
- Defeat Kuralak the Defiler
- Defeat the Hideously Malformed Mutant
- Deadly Dance Revolution - Defeat Kuralak the Defiler without getting hit by Overload or Tainted Ventilation
- East Power Core Energy
- Defeat the Phageborn Convergence
- Defeat the Genetic Monstrosity
- Defeat Phagetech Guardian C-432
- Genetic Collection
- Defeat the Gravitron Operator
- Production Halted - Defeat the Phagetech Prototypes without allowing the Phagetech Commander to cast Forced Production
- West Power Core Energy
- Defeat Experiment X-89
- Defeat Phagetech Guardian C-148
- Power Cycle
- Alone in the Dark - Defeat the Paragons of Symbiosis without anyone in the raid being hit by a Reverberating Shockwave
- Power Conservation - Destroy Dreadphage Ohmna without any power cores being fully drained
- North Power Core Energy
- Event Horizon - Defeat the Phagetech Prototypes without allowing a Gravitational Singularity to survive for more than 15 seconds
- Preemptive Strike - Defeat the Phageborn Convergence without letting any of them finish Gathering Energy
- Cut the Red Wire - Defeat the Phagetech Prototypes while destroying each Destructo Construct within 5 seconds of its creation
- Who Let the Dogs Out? - Kill 7 Corrupted Beasts within 10 seconds
- Ah! That's the Stuff! - Clear the Nanite-Filled Room without anyone in the raid taking damage from another player's Nanite Injection
- Phagetech Phasedancer - Defeat the Phagetech Prototypes without anyone remaining in the Phase Realm for more than 10 seconds
- Venn Diagram of Power - Clear the Eldan Centrifuge after standing in three overlapping Nanite Empowerment fields.
- Death from Above - Fight your way through the Archive Defense Systems without anyone in the raid being hit by a Security Defense Beam
- Total Power
- Defeat the Corrupted Beasts as they break out of their prison
- Skywalker - Defeat Experiment X-89 before it destroys more than 35 platforms
- Defeat the Paragons of Symbiosis
- Clear The Air - Defeat Phage Maw without allowing him to fly for more than 30 seconds at a time
- Defeat Dreadphage Ohmna
- Assault the Malfunctioning Battery
- Defeat Phage Maw
- South Power Core Energy
- Defeat the Phagetech Prototypes
- Fight your way through the Archives Defense System
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specifically for this purpose. You can also install this addon and help building
the database behind Jabbithole.
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We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!