Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

[According to the introductory page, this collection of sayings and chants are the work of the ancient tree Elderoot. Presumably they have been transcribed from dictation.]
You can plant a tree near water, but you cannot make its roots absorb water and nutrients. That will happen naturally.
A lie can travel around the entire planet while the truth is still putting down roots.
I do not spare great concern for the future, for my roots are buried deep within the soil of the past.
A growing root can break a stone when a hammer blow cannot. All that is required for the former is patience\; all that is required for the latter is strength.
A tree strives ever upward, reaching for the sun and stars. Those who walk on the ground strive to and fro, upward and downward. I do not say one is better than the other, but the striving tree lives many times longer than the walking animal.
I am not the only one of my kind with deep thoughts. One must simply listen more closely for the words of the others.
I once thought there was no crisis urgent enough to warrant thoughtless action. Now I know this for a fact. There is always time to consider.
To the insect, a tree is the universe. To the universe, even the tree is an insect.
You can plant a tree near water, but you cannot make its roots absorb water and nutrients. That will happen naturally.
A lie can travel around the entire planet while the truth is still putting down roots.
I do not spare great concern for the future, for my roots are buried deep within the soil of the past.
A growing root can break a stone when a hammer blow cannot. All that is required for the former is patience\; all that is required for the latter is strength.
A tree strives ever upward, reaching for the sun and stars. Those who walk on the ground strive to and fro, upward and downward. I do not say one is better than the other, but the striving tree lives many times longer than the walking animal.
I am not the only one of my kind with deep thoughts. One must simply listen more closely for the words of the others.
I once thought there was no crisis urgent enough to warrant thoughtless action. Now I know this for a fact. There is always time to consider.
To the insect, a tree is the universe. To the universe, even the tree is an insect.

Whisperwind Hollow

The Arboretum

Greenleaf Glade

Elderoot Refuge

The Blighted Tunnel

Bloodbloom Vale

Fort Firestorm

Everstar Passage

Mystwood Forest

Whisperwind Hollow

The Arboretum

Greenleaf Glade

Elderoot Refuge

The Blighted Tunnel

Bloodbloom Vale

Fort Firestorm

Everstar Passage

Mystwood Forest

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We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!