Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Orders for Dominion Commandos
Operation Crimson Sword
Your orders are simple: Target the wretched Exile interlopers and annihilate them. Intelligence reports the enemy is operating under the name "Megatech." It's a division of their scientists dedicated to employing the Eldan's biggest technology against the Dominion. This must not be allowed to continue!
You have two primary objectives. You must reach Crimson Isle amphibiously. The fools have not established an aquatic perimeter on the south side of the island. There you will meet up with agents of DRED - mostly Chua.
Do not shoot them if you can help it. I understand the temptation.
Once there, target your first objective: a massive communications tower detected from orbit. After accomplishing this goal, drive north into the interior. There scans show massive power buildup that can only be coming from a massive weapon the treacherous scum intend to use against the honorable citizens of the Dominion.
Report to Drezkar, the Gorefang, upon your arrival. Investigate anywhere the Exiles could be hiding, for hide they shall. Fight well, and if you should die, die with honor and take the enemy with you.
May our enemies drown in a river of blood.
For the Emperor!
- Kezrek Warbringer
Operation Crimson Sword
Your orders are simple: Target the wretched Exile interlopers and annihilate them. Intelligence reports the enemy is operating under the name "Megatech." It's a division of their scientists dedicated to employing the Eldan's biggest technology against the Dominion. This must not be allowed to continue!
You have two primary objectives. You must reach Crimson Isle amphibiously. The fools have not established an aquatic perimeter on the south side of the island. There you will meet up with agents of DRED - mostly Chua.
Do not shoot them if you can help it. I understand the temptation.
Once there, target your first objective: a massive communications tower detected from orbit. After accomplishing this goal, drive north into the interior. There scans show massive power buildup that can only be coming from a massive weapon the treacherous scum intend to use against the honorable citizens of the Dominion.
Report to Drezkar, the Gorefang, upon your arrival. Investigate anywhere the Exiles could be hiding, for hide they shall. Fight well, and if you should die, die with honor and take the enemy with you.
May our enemies drown in a river of blood.
For the Emperor!
- Kezrek Warbringer

Megatech Shield Generator

Mondo's Beachhead

Forward Operating Base

Exo-Lab 22

Scarhide Camp

Megatech Gun Emplacement

Dreg Abomination


Savage Coast

Megatech Station

Megatech Shield Generator

Mondo's Beachhead

Forward Operating Base

Exo-Lab 22

Scarhide Camp

Megatech Gun Emplacement

Dreg Abomination


Savage Coast

Megatech Station

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