Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

[This appears to be a fragment of a technical document written by Vorion on the Datascape's operating procedures. It is unclear who its intended reader would have been.]
This procedure should not be necessary as the Datascape, once activated, will never be powered down again. The Datascape is more than virtual reality, it is a reality emulator that uses hard light constructs, time-space distortion generators, and neurological stimulation to recreate an experience that, for all intents and purposes, is indistinguishable from reality. Powering down the Datascape could result in significant data loss, as well as serious injury to anyone inside the simulation at the time.
However if for some unforeseen reason the Datascape does need to be restarted, follow these steps:
1. Set Power Continuum to "Sequential Power Feed (Restart)," but DO NOT bring online until the next three steps are completed.
2. Disconnect the Virtual Data Core and Memory Core from the system and purge their memory buffers. This is to ensure corrupted data does not linger in the reality virtualizers. We don't want another "Ghost in the Wires" scenario.
3. Reinitialize the Virtual Data Core. This will take a while, upwards of a full orbital cycle, so I suggest taking some time off rather than waiting. The Care- will let you know whe- re-initialization is compl-
4. Reinitialize the Memory Core. DO NOT - another vacation. This should only - a coup- minutes. Reconnect both cores - system -
5. Bring Power Core on01101100ine -
This procedure should not be necessary as the Datascape, once activated, will never be powered down again. The Datascape is more than virtual reality, it is a reality emulator that uses hard light constructs, time-space distortion generators, and neurological stimulation to recreate an experience that, for all intents and purposes, is indistinguishable from reality. Powering down the Datascape could result in significant data loss, as well as serious injury to anyone inside the simulation at the time.
However if for some unforeseen reason the Datascape does need to be restarted, follow these steps:
1. Set Power Continuum to "Sequential Power Feed (Restart)," but DO NOT bring online until the next three steps are completed.
2. Disconnect the Virtual Data Core and Memory Core from the system and purge their memory buffers. This is to ensure corrupted data does not linger in the reality virtualizers. We don't want another "Ghost in the Wires" scenario.
3. Reinitialize the Virtual Data Core. This will take a while, upwards of a full orbital cycle, so I suggest taking some time off rather than waiting. The Care- will let you know whe- re-initialization is compl-
4. Reinitialize the Memory Core. DO NOT - another vacation. This should only - a coup- minutes. Reconnect both cores - system -
5. Bring Power Core on01101100ine -

OMNICore-1 Entrance

Generator Compartment

Power Junction

Virtual Data Cache

Memory Core

Power Continuum

Maintenance Shaft

The Cortex

OMNICore-1 Entrance

Generator Compartment

Power Junction

Virtual Data Cache

Memory Core

Power Continuum

Maintenance Shaft

The Cortex

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Jabbithole is built from the in-game data collected with a WildStar addon created
specifically for this purpose. You can also install this addon and help building
the database behind Jabbithole.
We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!
We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!