Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Tresayne Toria: Blademother of the Torine Sisterhood
These Pell have served us faithfully since the time that I arrived here, even after my son Dominus left for Cassus to rule the Dominion as its first emperor. They are very simple creatures, yet gifted with an unusual intelligence. It is easy to see why the Eldan used them as servants in their experiments here. This particular tribe serves the Grove Guardian Ondu, a powerful elemental creature who has lived here in these jungles for thousands of years. Ondu serves Vitara in his own primitive way, and the Sisterhood welcomes his presence here in the sanctuary. For my part, I sleep better knowing he watches over it. I dare not think what might happen if something were to befall him.
These Pell have served us faithfully since the time that I arrived here, even after my son Dominus left for Cassus to rule the Dominion as its first emperor. They are very simple creatures, yet gifted with an unusual intelligence. It is easy to see why the Eldan used them as servants in their experiments here. This particular tribe serves the Grove Guardian Ondu, a powerful elemental creature who has lived here in these jungles for thousands of years. Ondu serves Vitara in his own primitive way, and the Sisterhood welcomes his presence here in the sanctuary. For my part, I sleep better knowing he watches over it. I dare not think what might happen if something were to befall him.

Moldwood Corruption

Sanctuary's Approach

Lifeweaver Terrace

Temple of the Life-Speaker

Corruption's Source

Moldwood Corruption

Sanctuary's Approach

Lifeweaver Terrace

Temple of the Life-Speaker

Corruption's Source

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