Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Elyona: Order of the Evokers
This is truly an exciting time! I have been tasked with observing and training Drusera - the Genesis Prime. Because her innate powers of creation are facilitated through an advanced form of evocation, it was only logical that one of the Evokers would be responsible for helping her reach her true potential.
I have only met her once, and she is indeed a remarkable creature. Blessed with intelligence, beauty, innocence, and virtually unlimited power, she is unquestionably the Eldan's greatest accomplishment.
This is truly an exciting time! I have been tasked with observing and training Drusera - the Genesis Prime. Because her innate powers of creation are facilitated through an advanced form of evocation, it was only logical that one of the Evokers would be responsible for helping her reach her true potential.
I have only met her once, and she is indeed a remarkable creature. Blessed with intelligence, beauty, innocence, and virtually unlimited power, she is unquestionably the Eldan's greatest accomplishment.

Cankertube Swamp

The Keeper's Sanctuary

Grove of Hope

The Nursery

Scorchwing's Landing

Nursery Trading Post

Titian Collective

Aurelian Enclave

Uncanny Advance

Perilous Annex

Green Quadrant

Blue Quadrant

Yellow Quadrant

Red Quadrant

Cankertube Swamp

The Keeper's Sanctuary

Grove of Hope

The Nursery

Scorchwing's Landing

Nursery Trading Post

Titian Collective

Aurelian Enclave

Uncanny Advance

Perilous Annex

Green Quadrant

Blue Quadrant

Yellow Quadrant

Red Quadrant

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We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!