Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

OUTBREAK LEVEL 1: Contagion Reported/No Physical Evidence
A Level 1 outbreak is the simplest form of outbreak to manage safely. A Level 1 outbreak may simply be an erroneous report.
Recommended Response: Investigation by ordinary authorities employing hazardous material gear to check validity of the report.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 2: Confirmed Contagion/Less than 5 Infected
A Level 2 outbreak is to be taken seriously and can quickly lead to a higher-level situation.
Recommended Response: A Reaper team (minimum 2) should proceed immediately to the site of the outbreak and eliminate infected individuals and confirm no Contagion remains present.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 3: Confirmed Contagion/More than 5 Infected
A Level 3 outbreak is of immediate concern to all surrounding communities. Chance for exponential infection among remaining Mordesh nears 100%.
Recommended Response: A full Reaper team (minimum 6) must eliminate the infected individuals and capture potential infected for observation. Any sign of further infection must be dealt with immediately and lethally. The area must then be quarantined to non-Mordesh for six standard months.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 4: Confirmed Contagion/1 or More Communities Infected
A Level 4 outbreak requires an immediate military response per the Exile Accords.
Recommended Response: A military air strike must be ordered immediately with the express goal of wiping out the localized area of outbreak. Reaper teams may not be dispatched until FCON completes this operation and confirms no life signs at site. Then a full Reaper team MUST confirm outbreak has been eliminated. A quarantine must then be observed for one standard year.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 5: Confirmed Contagion/Landmass Infected
A Level 5 outbreak is the second-worst type on record. If all Mordesh on a landmass (island or continent) are confirmed to be infected, the entire landmass must be considered lost.
Recommended Response: Orbital bombardment of landmass with weapons of mass destruction. Reaper teams may not be dispatched until FCON completes this operation and confirms no life signs. Four full Reaper teams MUST confirm outbreak has been eliminated. Landmass is to then be quarantined for five standard years with no life forms of any kind allowed to escape.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 6: Confirmed Contagion/Planet Infected
A Level 6 outbreak is the worst type on record. If all Mordesh on a planet are confirmed infected, the planet must be considered lost.
Recommended Response: Planetary evacuation of non-Mordesh and non-infected followed by full orbital bombardment of landmass with weapons of mass destruction. Planet is to then be permanently quarantined to all species with no life forms of any kind allowed to escape.
A Level 1 outbreak is the simplest form of outbreak to manage safely. A Level 1 outbreak may simply be an erroneous report.
Recommended Response: Investigation by ordinary authorities employing hazardous material gear to check validity of the report.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 2: Confirmed Contagion/Less than 5 Infected
A Level 2 outbreak is to be taken seriously and can quickly lead to a higher-level situation.
Recommended Response: A Reaper team (minimum 2) should proceed immediately to the site of the outbreak and eliminate infected individuals and confirm no Contagion remains present.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 3: Confirmed Contagion/More than 5 Infected
A Level 3 outbreak is of immediate concern to all surrounding communities. Chance for exponential infection among remaining Mordesh nears 100%.
Recommended Response: A full Reaper team (minimum 6) must eliminate the infected individuals and capture potential infected for observation. Any sign of further infection must be dealt with immediately and lethally. The area must then be quarantined to non-Mordesh for six standard months.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 4: Confirmed Contagion/1 or More Communities Infected
A Level 4 outbreak requires an immediate military response per the Exile Accords.
Recommended Response: A military air strike must be ordered immediately with the express goal of wiping out the localized area of outbreak. Reaper teams may not be dispatched until FCON completes this operation and confirms no life signs at site. Then a full Reaper team MUST confirm outbreak has been eliminated. A quarantine must then be observed for one standard year.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 5: Confirmed Contagion/Landmass Infected
A Level 5 outbreak is the second-worst type on record. If all Mordesh on a landmass (island or continent) are confirmed to be infected, the entire landmass must be considered lost.
Recommended Response: Orbital bombardment of landmass with weapons of mass destruction. Reaper teams may not be dispatched until FCON completes this operation and confirms no life signs. Four full Reaper teams MUST confirm outbreak has been eliminated. Landmass is to then be quarantined for five standard years with no life forms of any kind allowed to escape.
OUTBREAK LEVEL 6: Confirmed Contagion/Planet Infected
A Level 6 outbreak is the worst type on record. If all Mordesh on a planet are confirmed infected, the planet must be considered lost.
Recommended Response: Planetary evacuation of non-Mordesh and non-infected followed by full orbital bombardment of landmass with weapons of mass destruction. Planet is to then be permanently quarantined to all species with no life forms of any kind allowed to escape.

Whisperwind Hollow

The Arboretum

Greenleaf Glade

Elderoot Refuge

The Blighted Tunnel

Bloodbloom Vale

Fort Firestorm

Everstar Passage

Mystwood Forest

Whisperwind Hollow

The Arboretum

Greenleaf Glade

Elderoot Refuge

The Blighted Tunnel

Bloodbloom Vale

Fort Firestorm

Everstar Passage

Mystwood Forest

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specifically for this purpose. You can also install this addon and help building
the database behind Jabbithole.
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We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!