Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

(The Black Box contains a recording of the moments prior to the crash.)
DOON: This is Corrigan Doon to tower, I am ready for takeoff.
TOWER: What? No flight plan listed for Corrigan Doon. Wait! Get out of there!
DOON: It's a bright and sunny day, and I'm taking this little beauty for a spin.
TOWER: No, no, no! No civilians allowed in Dominion military vessels! Are you intoxicated?
DOON: Checklist complete. Let's fly!
TOWER: Did you - wait, you ARE intoxicated! Did you hack the breath analysis software? Get out of there!
DOON: Launching in five... four... three... two...
TOWER: Disengage!
DOON: One... and... engage. Whoooo-hoo, this baby can move! Wait a moment... I say there, should the sky be gray? And rushing right at me like that?
DOON: This is Corrigan Doon to tower, I am ready for takeoff.
TOWER: What? No flight plan listed for Corrigan Doon. Wait! Get out of there!
DOON: It's a bright and sunny day, and I'm taking this little beauty for a spin.
TOWER: No, no, no! No civilians allowed in Dominion military vessels! Are you intoxicated?
DOON: Checklist complete. Let's fly!
TOWER: Did you - wait, you ARE intoxicated! Did you hack the breath analysis software? Get out of there!
DOON: Launching in five... four... three... two...
TOWER: Disengage!
DOON: One... and... engage. Whoooo-hoo, this baby can move! Wait a moment... I say there, should the sky be gray? And rushing right at me like that?

Spaceport Alpha

Luminous Gardens

Legion's Way

Fate's Landing

Conqueror's Square

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Jabbithole is built from the in-game data collected with a WildStar addon created
specifically for this purpose. You can also install this addon and help building
the database behind Jabbithole.
We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!
We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!