Jabbithole has been updated for WildStar Reloaded. Weekly updates shall resume as usual. Thanks for the patience!

Everyone loves those cute, cuddly, feather-faced baby ravenok, and now you can too - in person, and for life! Just fill out this simple, legally binding form and deliver it to your nearest Adopt-A-Ravenok agent and you'll be cuddling your fluffy, feathery friend in no time!
__NO, I wouldn't think of missing out on the news, values, and exciting information, are you kidding?
__YES, I'm a terrible being that probably should not be trusted with a baby ravenok and should think hard about the answer to this question.
1. - Do not feed baby ravenok raw meat for any reason. Even if they look at you with those eyes. Ravenok that consume raw meat cannot be reliably tamed and will almost certainly grow into terrifying kill-birds with a craving for your flesh.
2. - Baby ravenok can develop unhealthy attachments to power generators, autoturrets, and other charged technology, believing these objects to be their mothers. Even after seeing fellow baby ravenok come to a crispy end, they may persist in this behavior. Baby ravenok are not smart.
3. - Do not attempt to ride a ravenok without proper training. Proper training available for a small safety fee from Adopt-A-Ravenok Enterprises. See your Adopt-A-Ravenok agent for details.
4. - All prospective adopters must sign a sworn affidavit declaring they will not resell the baby ravenok, no matter how much the finest restaurants from the Fringe to the Galactic Core are paying.
5. - Leashes are not recommended for your new baby ravenok. Guaranteed ravenok transport cages are available for a small fee from Adopt-A-Ravenok Enterprises.
6. - The Protostar Corporation is merely an underwriter of the Adopt-A-Ravenok Enterprises Charity and Animal Rescue Program, and any profits that may come by way of this underwriting are perfectly legal and should not raise any eyebrows, qualms, concerns, moral dilemmas or most significantly lawsuits!
This public service announcement brought to you by the Protostar Corporation. Remember to try Protostar Mystery Poultry Wing Sandwiches wherever your favorite unidentified bird-derived products are sold, cooked, and consumed.
Everyone loves those cute, cuddly, feather-faced baby ravenok, and now you can too - in person, and for life! Just fill out this simple, legally binding form and deliver it to your nearest Adopt-A-Ravenok agent and you'll be cuddling your fluffy, feathery friend in no time!
__NO, I wouldn't think of missing out on the news, values, and exciting information, are you kidding?
__YES, I'm a terrible being that probably should not be trusted with a baby ravenok and should think hard about the answer to this question.
1. - Do not feed baby ravenok raw meat for any reason. Even if they look at you with those eyes. Ravenok that consume raw meat cannot be reliably tamed and will almost certainly grow into terrifying kill-birds with a craving for your flesh.
2. - Baby ravenok can develop unhealthy attachments to power generators, autoturrets, and other charged technology, believing these objects to be their mothers. Even after seeing fellow baby ravenok come to a crispy end, they may persist in this behavior. Baby ravenok are not smart.
3. - Do not attempt to ride a ravenok without proper training. Proper training available for a small safety fee from Adopt-A-Ravenok Enterprises. See your Adopt-A-Ravenok agent for details.
4. - All prospective adopters must sign a sworn affidavit declaring they will not resell the baby ravenok, no matter how much the finest restaurants from the Fringe to the Galactic Core are paying.
5. - Leashes are not recommended for your new baby ravenok. Guaranteed ravenok transport cages are available for a small fee from Adopt-A-Ravenok Enterprises.
6. - The Protostar Corporation is merely an underwriter of the Adopt-A-Ravenok Enterprises Charity and Animal Rescue Program, and any profits that may come by way of this underwriting are perfectly legal and should not raise any eyebrows, qualms, concerns, moral dilemmas or most significantly lawsuits!
This public service announcement brought to you by the Protostar Corporation. Remember to try Protostar Mystery Poultry Wing Sandwiches wherever your favorite unidentified bird-derived products are sold, cooked, and consumed.

Lightreach Mission

Research Station Tideborn

Sterling Reach

Darkspire Wilds

Excavation Site Alpha

Stormseeker Village

Vigilant's Stand

Glitterfur Caravan

Lake Larallen

Mistymurk Camp

Calidor's Excavation


Vigilant Heart Outpost

Grimwatch Outpost

Copperworth Village

Sterling Croft

Stormseeker Commune

Bio-Mech Facility 498

Shrine of the Masters

Glintrock Dale

Lightreach Mission

Research Station Tideborn

Sterling Reach

Darkspire Wilds

Excavation Site Alpha

Stormseeker Village

Vigilant's Stand

Glitterfur Caravan

Lake Larallen

Mistymurk Camp

Calidor's Excavation


Vigilant Heart Outpost

Grimwatch Outpost

Copperworth Village

Sterling Croft

Stormseeker Commune

Bio-Mech Facility 498

Shrine of the Masters

Glintrock Dale

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We've made a tiny Windows app to make it easier for you to install/update the addon and upload the data it collects. Grab the client and start sharing what you encounter on planet Nexus!